Monday, September 17, 2018






              With a jeweled flash, a buzz
              And lingering drink
          The hummingbird thanks me.

                                                                            My heart lifts with joy
                                                                                        and wonder
                                                                                 At this beautiful creature.

                                                                         And there, just like that,                                                                                                                   God says, "hello"!

                                                                                    ~For my beautiful mother                                                                                                       who I love so much.

Monday, July 2, 2018



Time flies and the years go by,
Each season seems to pass a little faster.

Summers, especially go by now
In a rapid blur of sameness,
Marked mostly by photographs
From our annual vacation.

The other days shuffle by in the usual tedious nine-to-five.
But sometimes on one of these regular days
The light falls just so and I’m carried away,
To another time when we were young
And the summers went on forever.

June to September was an endless stretch
Of lying on blankets in warm, soft grass,
Staring up at the clouds as they floated past
And dreaming about tomorrow.

We ran barefoot to the neighbor’s and back,
Like the horses we heard galloping past
In the pasture across the way.

We breathed the sweet scent of the hay and the trees,
And our mother’s cooking drifted out with the breeze
To draw us inside, for just a few moments,
while the summer went on forever.

                                                                                                                                                   © 2016 D. T. de Jong